
Swim England Courses

From 4 years old

Frogs & Friends are proud to be an ‘Approved Training Centre’ for Swimming Teachers and Coaches.

Throughout the year, we hold a number of different Swimming Teacher Courses. These courses are attended by people from throughout the UK.

In order to achieve their qualification, candidates are required to assist or teach children from the local community to swim. To provide candidates with this opportunity, we host ‘Swim England Intensive Courses.’ These courses are held at a number of our venues.

  • The courses cater for swimmers of varying abilities and are available to children aged 4 years+. As they are part of a teacher training programme, we would not recommend this course to any children that are nervous beginners.

  • Courses can vary between 30 minutes to 1 hour in duration.

What do they need?

  • Swimming hat
  • Swimwear
  • Towel
  • Goggles (to be worn only once a child has reached Seahorse Bronze stage)

Swim England Courses

using our iOS or Android app
available in App Store or Google Play
